Our BIBA endorsed portfolio of travel insurance solutions is designed to help Brokers offer the widest possible range of travel insurance solutions to their customer base. We offer five products targeted to specific market segments and a number of ways to trade, all available via our secure online platform.
Holiday Travel+ and Sports Travel+
Our BIBA endorsed Holiday+ and Sports+ travel policies are designed for individuals, families, groups and sports teams.
Holiday Traveller and Longer Stay
Our new Holiday Traveller and Longer Stay products are designed so Brokers can target specific market segments helping open up new revenue streams.
All our travel policies provide full cover for Covid-19, including for emergency medical expenses and cancellation (if diagnosed within 14 days of departure).
Key Features
- Cover available for cancellation up to £10,000 per person.
- Cruise holidays covered as standard.
- Available to customer aged up to 75 (Annual Multi-Trip) and up to age 85 (Single Trip).
- Cover for 350+ adventure sports and activities.
- Cover for training, competition and course fees included as standard.
- Available to customer aged up to 65 (Annual Multi-Trip) and up to age 65 (Single Trip).
Holiday Traveller
- Designed for travellers on a budget.
- Optional cover for Winter Sports, Golf, Gadget and Rental Excess.
- Available to customer aged up to 70 (Annual Multi-Trip) and up to age 80 (Single Trip).
Longer Stay
- Provides cover for single trips up to 540 days.
- Includes cover for non-manual study and work abroad.
- Available to customers aged up to 65 (Single Trip Only).
All our policies are designed to allow independent travel for all insured persons including children.
Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) Directory
MaPS has launched a travel insurance directory on its Money Advice Service website for people with serious pre-existing medical conditions.
Click here for more information and how to access the directory.